Track Karin's Flight (AA 292) to Delhi!
You can follow Karin's flight to Delhi by clicking on this Flight Tracker link. Then use the pull down menu to choose American Airlines and put in flight number 292.That will bring up a real-time graphical portrayal of Karin's flight.
If that one doesn't suit you, enter the same info (AA 292) at FlightView or FlyteComm. The coolest tracker I can find right now (they change all the time) is called FlightView Live which can be accessed by clicking on the orange "Launch Live" button once you have brought up the flight at FlightView. If you zoom in all the way with that one you can see the plane moving. If you are really interested in tracking flights, you should try AirNav Live Flight Tracker.
I do suggest you refrain from watching all 15 hours of the flight, however.
The pic two posts below this is of Karin at the airport this morning hitting the Gravol (Dramamine) before her flight. The pic in the post below was taken of us about 5 minutes before she left (gosh, I'm tall).
Make sure you guys post lots of pictures of your trip! -Jim N.
not just a movie!
Rack of lamb, Gratin Dauphinois, wine, cheese, b-day berries and cream, kisses from the kids, NYT crossword, "Sundoku", talk about India, leprosy, diarrhea, wipes, civilization...)
I will miss them
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