Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Himalayan Expedition Draws International Attention

This is amazing: France, Spain, Germany, England, Italy, Sweden, Israel, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, lots of China, 3 Canadian provinces, about a dozen US states, and India. And that's just the past 7 days. People are reading this blog from a northern latitude of 71°23'N to a southern latitude of 41°17'S. That, my friends, is a whole lot of latitude.

Karin called me this morning but I was squeezing in a workout and only caught a snippet of her voice. I ran for the phone but it had disconnected by the time I got there. Unfortunately she did not leave the name of the hotel or a phone number - and it's not in their itinerary. I looked up hotels in Palampur but found over a dozen. I quickly decided against playing the "Hello, Hello, Hello" game with every hotel in Palampur. Estrella (Karin & Harry's mum) passed on Harry's cell phone number but I couldn't get that to connect either. So basically I struck out. Hopefully she calls back. I also have no progress to report with American Airlines. Given that it's a long weekend, I don't expect anything to open up. But I'll keep trying.

And, in a completely unrelated development, Cousin Alex was on NPR yesterday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's working!! Your adventures are hilarious, gut wrenching, and enriching. And of course, the written word-spectacular.

ya ought to sell this blog. Funnier than tetes a claques!!

Auntie J