Tuesday, February 6, 2007

India the Growth Engine; Team Himalaya Hits the Hinterland

This from the Feb 3-9, 2007 Economist Magazine: "The roar from Delhi is echoing across Asia... At some point this year India's growth rate could even outpace China's..."

Karin & I are on the explosive-economic-growth circuit. Vietnam (8.4%) last year and now India (9.2%). Visiting countries that have spent decades stagnating due to things like crushing over-regulation, communism, entrenched corruption, colonialization, fanatical religion, and general mismanagement, can be fascinating. These are countries of incredible potential whose populations have been held back by unfortunate political, religious and economic realities. Those same policies that lead to economic misery, in many cases serve to preserve such things as culture, centuries-old architecture, nature (once in a while) and low low prices! To be able to immerse oneself in a region just on the cusp of phenomenal development is extraordinary.

As expected, I have no new information from Team Himalaya. As promised, they have moved out of our purview and into the rugged and inhospitable Himalayan hinterland. I believe they are now in Harlok or Amarpur (Baged). These places are so remote they don't even register on the Internet! The question you're all asking is... If they don't exist on the Internet, can they actually be said to exist at all? The answer is no. As the age-old saying goes, "if it doesn't google, it doesn't exist." Clearly our Team has entered some kind of time-space continuum and all we can do is sit idly by and wait for them to emerge.

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