Thursday, February 15, 2007

Contact With The Crew: Meditation, Knitting, Debating. The Scenery is STUNNING. They are FREEZING.

I received a call yesterday evening from Anjum's father. His message: The Himalayan Crew is leaving the hotel in 20 minutes. Call now or forget about speaking to them for a week. And he gave me exactly what I had been dreaming of: A phone number!

I immediately called Karin and caught her just as the Team was about to head off. After exchanging requisite Valentine's Day wishes, she gave me a quick run-down of what is going on. Yesterday the Medical Team delivered care to monks in a monastery. Apparently this was particularly enjoyable because the monks are very pleasant people (and oh so darn cute). Following the clinic, the team was treated to a meditation session. And, later on they all learned how to knit. Since wool is the primary source of what keeps people warm(ish), knitting is a crucial skill to have. Harry abstained from knitting as he finds knitting "unsexy" and, understandably, a potential threat to manhood everywhere. Thanks for standing up for us, Har.

Our Intrepid Trio (Karin, Anjum, Harry) have figured out that a grand total of 2 of the 6 Jeeps have heat. They are currently riding in Anoop's Jeep. Anoop has really got it goin' on... Not only does his Jeep have heat, but it has a CD player and an MP3 player (with USB port). During the drive yesterday they were actually warm (I'll get to how rare that is shortly) and were able to listen to U2, Aretha Franklin (and others) while driving through some of the most unbelievably beautiful Himalayan terrain. Having a decent ride makes it a lot easier to enjoy of course. The Intrepid Trio are worried that they will not be able to hold onto their coveted seats, however, as they are encouraged to move around between vehicles and mix with other team members.

At one point during the drive someone had asked Anoop what elevation they were at. Anoop responded: "Fifteen thousand meters." When one of the passengers questioned that estimate Anoop was adamant (note that Everest tops out at 8,850 meters and a Boeing 747 tops out at 12,500 meters). There was an uneasy silence in the Jeep for a little while... Until they passed a sign that read "1500 meters" and Anoop said "Oh, 1500 meters. Sorry. I make mistake." They are all friends again now.

While the drives are long and sometimes treacherous, they are not uncivilized. The team stops for regular tea breaks and chip breaks. Apparently Lays makes a Himalayan version of their chip that is extremely popular with the Explorers. Karin describes it as a modified-ketchup flavor. During yesterday's drive Anoop's passengers decided to debate some contemporary issues. Among them: capital punishment, gun control, legalization of drugs. If you wish to have your topic debated in the Himalayas by medical practitioners listening to soul or rock (or other) music while eating Himalayan Lays, please let me know and I will pass on your request.

The team will be at the next campsite for 6 nights. They expect it to be vvvery cccold. And speaking of cold, last night in the hotel Karin went to sleep wearing, among other things, long-johns, a thermal shirt, a turtleneck, wool socks, wool hat, wool gloves, with 3 blankets and a space-heater and was completely and utterly freezing. Freezing is an ongoing theme now. The buildings are not heated and even though everyone is constantly bundled up, the cold is never-ending and pervasive. And now they are traveling to an even more frigid area. Brrrrrr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Le tricot? No way! Le knitoucherai pas!
Harry, tu as eu maille à partir avec les moines mon amour?
J'inspire, je sais que j'inspire.
J'expire, je médite.
J'inspire, je GGGÈÈÈLE.
Je soupire, je... maudite(ce froid!!)
J'expire, il vaut mieux que je tricote.
J'inspire, le tricot pacifie l'esprit.
...Pas si bête que ça après tout...
